Month: June 2016


not bringing life to work and work to life.
a compartmentalization achieved by most.

answers, solutions, surety.
when do you know?
when should you know?
do we await rightness, peace?
something logic cannot allude to.

oh, the injustice.
see, that suffering.
precisely out of our hands.
that births a cynic, a white-flag bearer of a different sort.
more so in this age, a greater susceptibility.
because we have it good.

counting the blessings as we go.
the subtle trials and errors on unfamiliar terrain.
a workout in thankfulness, resurfaced.
enter, question and without prescription.
disciplined and appropriately calculated.
to want to do better above all else.
where do i find one such as he?

we try, we may fall but we get up again
and we know that our road is better with every bend
so we climb higher, ever higher, knowing there’s never an end
we’ll keep running forever.